How to Maid Visa in UAE

How to Get Maid Visa in UAE – New Update 2024

Looking to secure a maid visa in UAE? Discover the streamlined process & requirements for obtaining a maid visa in UAE hassle-free.


Looking to secure a maid visa in UAE? Navigating the intricacies of obtaining a maid visa in the United Arab Emirates can be both crucial and challenging. With its burgeoning economy and diverse workforce, the UAE offers opportunities for domestic workers seeking employment. Understanding the process and requirements for securing a maid visa is paramount for individuals aspiring to work in this capacity within the country.

A maid visa in UAE facilitates legal employment for domestic helpers, ensuring both the rights of the worker and the expectations of the employer are met within the legal framework. From fulfilling documentation requirements to adhering to specific guidelines, obtaining a maid visa demands attention to detail and adherence to UAE immigration regulations. 

This comprehensive guide aims to demystify the process, providing invaluable insights into the steps, prerequisites, and procedures involved in acquiring a maid visa in the UAE. Explore our detailed resources to embark on your journey towards securing legal employment as a domestic worker in the dynamic landscape of the United Arab Emirates.

Requirements for Maid Visa in UAE


To secure a maid visa in UAE, several key requirements must be met. First and foremost, the sponsoring individual must hold a valid residency visa in the UAE. The sponsor must also have a minimum monthly salary as per the UAE government’s regulations, ensuring financial stability to support the maid’s employment.

Documentation plays a crucial role in the maid visa application process. The sponsor must submit a formal employment contract outlining the maid’s duties, salary, and working hours, duly signed by both parties. Additionally, the maid must undergo medical examinations to ensure they are fit for employment and free from contagious diseases.

Clearances from relevant authorities, such as the UAE Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation, are also necessary. These clearances attest to the maid’s eligibility for employment and ensure compliance with UAE labor laws.

Moreover, the maid visa application requires passport-sized photographs of both the sponsor and the maid, along with copies of their passports and residency permits.

Comprehensive knowledge of these requirements is essential for a smooth and successful maid visa application process in the UAE. Adhering to these guidelines ensures legal compliance and a secure pathway for domestic workers seeking employment opportunities in the Emirates.

How to Get a Sponsor Maid Visa in UAE

How to Maid Visa in UAE

To obtain a maid visa in UAE, individuals must adhere to specific procedures and requirements outlined by the country’s immigration authorities. First and foremost, the prospective employer, usually a UAE resident, initiates the visa application process through the relevant governmental channels. The employer must demonstrate financial stability and provide evidence of suitable accommodation for the maid.

Documentation plays a pivotal role in the maid visa application process. This includes the maid’s valid passport, medical fitness certificate, and a duly filled visa application form. Additionally, a valid employment contract specifying the terms and conditions of employment is essential. The contract must comply with UAE labor laws and outline the maid’s duties, salary, and entitlements.

Upon submission of the required documents, the employer typically sponsors the maid’s visa and residency permit. The process involves medical examinations and biometric data collection. Once the visa is approved, the maid can legally enter the UAE and commence employment with the sponsoring employer.

It’s crucial to stay informed about any updates or changes to UAE immigration policies to ensure a smooth and successful maid visa application process. Seeking assistance from reputable immigration consultants or legal advisors can also streamline the process and mitigate potential challenges. Overall, meticulous attention to detail and compliance with regulations are key to obtaining a maid visa in the UAE.

Rules for Sponsor Maid Visa in UAE


In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), obtaining a maid visa entails adherence to specific regulations and guidelines set forth by the government. To apply for a maid visa in UAE, the employer must meet certain criteria, including being a UAE resident with a valid residency permit. The sponsor, usually the employer, must also have a minimum income level to support the maid’s employment.

Furthermore, the maid must hail from an approved list of countries, and her age typically ranges from 30 to 60 years old. Medical fitness certificates, background checks, and legal documentation are mandatory prerequisites for obtaining a visa. Employers are responsible for providing housing, health insurance, and a fair wage to their domestic workers.

Maid visas in UAE are subject to renewal annually, and any changes in employment status or termination require prompt notification to the relevant authorities. Violating visa regulations can lead to fines, deportation, or legal consequences for both the employer and the maid. Hence, it’s imperative to adhere meticulously to the stipulated rules and procedures governing maid visas in the UAE, ensuring a smooth and legally compliant employment process for both parties involved.

Renewal Cost Maid Visa in UAE


Renewing a maid visa in UAE entails various costs, which depend on several factors such as the visa type, duration, and any associated administrative fees. Typically, the maid visa renewal cost in UAE ranges from AED 1,500 to AED 3,000. However, these expenses can vary based on the specific requirements and regulations set forth by the UAE government.

The renewal process involves several steps, including medical examinations, residency permit renewals, and visa processing fees. Medical tests ensure the maid’s continued health and eligibility to work in the UAE. Residency permit renewals are essential to maintain legal status within the country. Additionally, visa processing fees cover administrative costs associated with renewing the maid’s visa.

Employers must factor in these expenses when planning for maid visa renewals in UAE. Failure to renew the maid’s visa on time can result in penalties or even deportation of the domestic worker. Employers should stay informed about the latest regulations and requirements on maid visa renewals to ensure compliance with UAE immigration laws and to facilitate a smooth renewal process for their domestic helpers.

Domestic Worker Visa UAE


Securing a maid visa in UAE, also known as a domestic worker visa, is essential for individuals seeking legal employment as domestic helpers within the United Arab Emirates. To initiate the process, both the employer and the domestic worker must fulfill specific requirements set forth by UAE immigration authorities. The employer typically sponsors the maid visa, assuming responsibility for the worker’s employment and residency status in the country.

Key documentation includes a valid employment contract, passport copies, medical fitness certificates, and proof of accommodation for the domestic worker. The visa application process involves submitting these documents to the relevant UAE authorities, such as the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) or the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA), depending on the emirate of employment.

Upon approval, the domestic worker obtains a residence permit, allowing legal residence and employment in the UAE. Both employers and domestic workers must adhere to UAE labor laws and regulations governing domestic employment, ensuring fair treatment and compliance with contractual obligations. By following the prescribed procedures and fulfilling requirements, obtaining a maid visa in UAE paves the way for legal and regulated employment opportunities within the country’s dynamic landscape.

Cancel Maid Visa in UAE


Canceling a maid visa in UAE entails navigating specific procedures and adhering to legal requirements. Whether due to relocation, changes in employment status, or other personal reasons, canceling a maid visa demands attention to detail and adherence to UAE immigration regulations.

To initiate the cancellation process for a maid visa in UAE, employers or authorized representatives must submit a formal request to the relevant immigration authorities. This typically involves completing specific forms, providing necessary documentation, and settling any outstanding financial obligations related to the maid’s employment or visa.

Upon receipt of the cancellation request, immigration authorities review the submitted documents and verify compliance with applicable regulations. Once approved, the maid’s visa will be officially canceled, and she must depart the country within the stipulated grace period to avoid any legal implications or penalties.

It’s imperative to follow the prescribed cancellation procedures diligently to ensure a smooth and lawful transition for both the maid and the employer. Seeking guidance from legal experts or immigration consultants can facilitate the cancellation process and mitigate potential challenges. By adhering to the established protocols, employers can responsibly manage the cancellation of a maid visa in UAE while upholding legal obligations and safeguarding the interests of all parties involved.


To acquire a Maid Visa in UAE, individuals must adhere to specific procedures set by the government. Firstly, the sponsor, typically the employer or head of the household, must initiate the process by submitting the required documents to the relevant authorities, including a valid employment contract and proof of financial stability. Next, the sponsor must obtain approval from the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) and the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA). Following approval, the maid can apply for a visa in their home country through the UAE embassy or consulate. Upon arrival in the UAE, the maid must undergo medical tests and biometric procedures to finalize the visa issuance. Compliance with regulations and timely submission of documents are crucial for a smooth application process. Ultimately, securing a Maid Visa in UAE requires meticulous attention to detail and adherence to legal requirements, ensuring a hassle-free transition for both the employer and the maid.


How can I get a maid visa in UAE?

To obtain a maid visa in UAE, the sponsor must submit the required documents to authorities, secure approval from MOHRE and GDRFA, and have the maid complete the necessary procedures upon arrival.

What is the age limit for maids in UAE?

The age limit for maids in UAE is 18 to 60 years old. This regulation ensures that individuals within this age range can legally work as maids in the country.

How to apply for a maid visa?
To apply for a maid visa in UAE, the sponsor must submit the required documents to relevant authorities, obtain approval from MOHRE and GDRFA, and facilitate the maid’s application process.

How much is the maid visa?

The cost of a maid visa in UAE typically ranges from AED 5,000 to AED 7,000, depending on various factors such as the duration of the visa and government fees.

How long is a maid visa valid?

A maid visa in the UAE is typically valid for two years. After this period, it can be renewed by fulfilling the requirements and procedures.